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Swimming in Blue Shadows: A Collection of Short Stories and Poetry (Winner of Proverse Supplemental Prize)

“The stories and poems of Swimming in Blue Shadows take their themes from many of the issues preoccupying reflective people, especially those struggling to define a credible personal philosophy; fear, love, loss, depression, loneliness, the unknown, the future, death...Through personal observation and expression of discovered truths…the book conveys agreement with John Donne’s ringing words, ‘no man is an island..."

--Philip Chatting, Reviewer and Winner of Proverse Prize 2014

Politics and Racism Beyond Nations: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Crises

"Based in the author's detailed research on memories of genocide and other traumas, Politics and Racism Beyond Nations is a passionate plea for confronting many of the most urgent problems we face in our current world, while showing the wider relevance of anthropology to these concerns. Will make for a useful and popular book for students."

--David Sutton, Reviewer and Professor of Anthropology at Southern Illinois University

Epochal Reckonings (Winner of International Proverse Prize)

"With the finesse and erudition of a classicist, and yet the clarion urgency of a contemporary activist, J.P. Linstroth ably chronicles the struggles of those whose tales are both sung and unsung. While his lyrical invocations speak of historical and contemporary oppression, the varied sufferings of marginalised peoples and more widespread catastrophes around the globe, he infuses his verse with cultural richness, resilience and human indomitability."

--Akin Jeje, author of Smoked Pearl: Poems of Hong Kong and Beyond, Proverse 2010